
theileria parva中文是什么意思

  • 小泰勒虫
  • 例句与用法
  • Researchers at the Institute for Genomic Research in Maryland, known as TIGR, led the decoding of the genome of the Theileria parva parasite to produce its genetic blueprint.
  • Measuring 8.2 million base pairs, its genome is remarkably similar to the genome of " Theileria parva ", the cause of East Coast fever ( theileriosis ) in cattle.
  • There, surprisingly, they caused no disease when introduced to healthy cattle, leading to the discovery that the disease was not Redwater, but a new protozoan parasite East Coast fever or " Theileria parva " transmitted by the tick " Rhipicephalus appendiculatus ".
  • 推荐法语阅读
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